Saturday, 13 October 2012

Another lesson learnt

When is a TNT not a TNT? When you change the fabric!

As I said - another lesson learnt - the hard way.

I considered this pattern a TNT as I used my old favourite crossover top as a guide to adjusting the pattern. I made a successful top which I love wearing.


I confidently cut out my next top and sewed it.

Very happy with the sewing. The top turned out very nice indeed - BUT TOO SMALL!!!

Cross over neckline actually sits correctly on person

Why the issue this time - I asked myself. I had already sewn one and it fit. Not only is this one TIGHT but the bust too high and the top itself too short for me and my stomach.

Then I realised that both my old trusty top and my newly sewn first version have a open type knit with lots of stretch both ways. In my first sewn version I used the biggest stretch going down the body in the bust as I liked the way the "stripes" went.

The above knit is a tighter t-shirt type knit with no stretch in length and a lot less stretch than the other knits I used in width..

*Sigh* .. so lesson learnt. A knit by any other name may not stretch as sweet.

I shall keep my chin up - take it as a lesson well learnt - and move on to my next item. After all .........


  1. I can never trust a TNT to work everytime 'cause my maths brain varies as does my size:))

  2. Oh dear, I've been caught by this too. I used a top made from what seems very like pantyhose fabric!! to cut a stretch lace top. IT is a lovely shade of red. Lovely, that is, until I squeezed into it and the only word I could fit in my head was SAVELOY!!! LOL!

  3. We all make mistakes whatever our level, I've been sewing over 40 years and the other week cut out 2 trouser backs in different sizes, I Must have been on another planet that day, with alot of fitting and reshaping I've managed to salvage them

  4. We all make mistakes whatever our level, I've been sewing over 40 years and the other week cut out 2 trouser backs in different sizes, I Must have been on another planet that day, with alot of fitting and reshaping I've managed to salvage them

  5. Yep done that before to both pants and tops! Very frustrating isn't it!

  6. A knit by any other name may not stretch as sweet.

    Perfectly said. This is my biggest problem with knits. Sorry to hear the top didn't work out, because it sure does look lovely.

  7. Ah yes, a knit TNT is unfortunately, often not a TNT - great isn't it?


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