I purchased my first ever sewing machine about 2 years ago and was all enthusiastic about learning to sew and making a vast array of garments, accessories and home decor items. I purchased about 10 metres of apparel fabric and enough upholstery fabric to cover our lounge (2 x 2.5 seaters, 1 armchair and a large footstool).
At the time I searched high and low for sewing teachers in my area to no avail (I didn't even do sewing at school)---- so I decided to go it alone, and my first project was covering my whole lounge suite... I kid you not .. no pattern .... no instructions.... no teacher .... just me, my new Janome DC3050, miles of fabric and tonnes of frustration!!!!. Let me tell you, it was not a good experience and the finished product ... well, it does the job but don't look too closely - uneven hems - parts not hemmed - half of the zippers are inside out (you have to put your fingers inside the cover to slide the zipper down), missed seam and ill fitting sides. The main thing I wanted was to protect the shiny new light fabric against wear and cat hair.
Anyway, after the week of sewing I gave up. I managed to make the covers and one unfinished dress. The rest of apparel fabric was put promptly into a storage container, the Janome packed away in its case in the pantry and sewing was forgotten.
Until now....
So what made me bring the Janome out of early retirement - provide her with a sister Elna Overlocker (serger) - purchase heaps more material and a mountain of patterns? (I do tend to get obsessed) .. Well it was a simple purchase of a top.
Picture from TVSN |
I am a large lady. I am almost too large for the plus size shops here in Australia and the selection of clothing locally is not that great. I purchased a top from TVSN (Television Shopping Network - see picture from TVSN above). It looked great on the telly but when I received it I was so disappointed by the quality of the material for the price I paid (AUS$159). It was a simple tunic style with not one button or zipper in sight. I thought "I can make this" so I sent it back, got my refund, and started purchasing fabric.... and more fabric..... and more fabric... and patterns ... and more patterns .... and the Lutterloh System of Pattern Making (looks interesting) .... downloaded Patternmaker ..... joined PatternReview (fantastic font of information and like minded souls), found a sewing teacher at Spotlight and now I am on the road to sewing my own clothes. Hopefully with more success than before. My current foray into sewing has yielded one unfinished top (armholes way too big), one finished and then trashed dress - way way way too big (looked like a tent) and one top that isn't too bad IMHO... however the neckline was too big and I ruined it by putting in darts. However I am learning and I am still excited about the journey.